Having a virtual phone number helps users twofold: first, it allows a company to extend its presence to locations it never would have been able to beforehand. With this luxury comes added responsibility: additional credibility and a new, larger base of callers come with the territory. Second, the maintenance of a multinational, far-reaching phone line is streamlined, making it so a business doesn’t have to add a group of employees to help with its upkeep.
A virtual phone number has the advantage of appearing to be a local number, while not necessarily being one. That local presence–especially in a foreign country–is crucial in getting business in that area. Callers simply dial a local number, and that call is forwarded to the designated phone number.
Because of the broadened market, revenue potential is increased exponentially, and the chance to sell to a new market that is unfamiliar with your company’s products or services means you can start selling to a brand new base.
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